
Barrett’s Esophagus

Barrett’s Esophagus services offered in Trinity, FL

Barrett’s Esophagus services offered in Trinity, FL

Barrett’s esophagus is a painless condition, but it’s necessary to diagnose and treat it because it can increase the risk of esophageal cancer. At Bay Area Gastroenterology Associates, LLC, in Trinity, Florida, esteemed board-certified gastroenterology specialists offer diagnosis, evaluation, and in-office procedures to help manage your risk and protect your health. Book your appointment online today or phone the office to schedule.

Barrett’s Esophagus Q&A

What is Barrett’s esophagus?

Barrett’s esophagus is an unhealthy change in the lining of the esophagus (food pipe). The normally smooth and pale pink lining grows inflamed at the point where the esophagus and stomach connect.

This causes thickening and reddening of the tissue, causing it to look similar to the lining of the small intestine.


I have Barrett’s esophagus. Does that mean I have cancer?

Barrett’s esophagus isn’t cancer. But it’s associated with an increased risk of a specific esophageal cancer (esophageal adenocarcinoma).

The risk of the condition getting worse is generally very low for people with no abnormal/precancerous cells (dysplasia) or low-grade dysplasia. However, the risk rises in people with high-grade dysplasia.

Overall, 9 out of 10 people with Barrett’s esophagus won’t get esophageal cancer.

Though the risk of developing cancer is low, Barrett’s esophagus always requires the attention of the gastroenterologists at Bay Area Gastroenterology Associates, LLC. They can manage your risk and help you avoid the worst.


How does Barrett’s esophagus happen?

Barrett’s esophagus usually develops in people with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). With GERD, your stomach contents, including digestive acids, flow the wrong way (reflux) into your esophagus and the back of your mouth.

This is called acid reflux. It causes an uncomfortable burning sensation in your chest (heartburn). It can also cause a chronic sour taste in your throat, sore throat, belching, and other problems.

People with GERD experience acid reflux twice a week or more. This continual backwash of acid can damage the esophagus lining, leading to Barrett’s esophagus.

While GERD is the condition most associated with Barrett’s esophagus, Barrett’s can affect anyone, including people who have never experienced acid reflux before.

Four out of 10 people with esophageal adenocarcinoma never had acid reflux. So, its root causes are still being investigated.


How is Barrett’s esophagus diagnosed?

Barrett’s esophagus is usually diagnosed with an upper endoscopy. This outpatient procedure examines your esophageal lining with a lighted camera.

They slide a very thin tube down your throat, and the camera at the tip provides live images your provider examines on a high-definition screen. Your provider can also collect a tiny tissue sample for testing (biopsy) during your endoscopy. 

If you’re diagnosed with Barrett’s esophagus, treatments are available, including office-based procedures that can dramatically reduce the risk of things getting worse. Call Bay Area Gastroenterology Associates, LLC, now or schedule online to learn more.